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- 1 rem parapsychology tester
- 3 rem modified by ra briggs lake wales, fl
- 4 rem c64 translation by dan tobias
- 8 poke53280,6:poke53281,7:print""
- 10 gosub1500
- 20 gosub1200
- 25 sp$=" "
- 30 gosub277
- 40 deffnh(x)=1+d+4*(x-1)
- 100 print:print
- 110 v=4:h=1:gosub275:input"[200]ow many trials (5-33)";tr
- 120 iftr<5ortr>33then110
- 130 v=5:h=1:gosub275:input"[200]ow many choices (2-10)";nc
- 140 ifnc<2ornc>10then130
- 150 d=20-2*nc
- 170 f1=1:f2=1:f3=1
- 200 gosub277:gosub450
- 210 rn=int(rnd(0)*nc)+1
- 220 gosub590
- 230 ifrn<>nthen250
- 240 nh=nh+1
- 250 nt=nt+1:gosub670
- 260 ifnt=trthen870
- 270 goto200
- 275 printleft$("",v)spc(h-1):return
- 277 print"[147] ":return
- 280 rem parameter input
- 290 printm$
- 300 geta$:ifa$=""then300
- 305 ifa$<>"[217]"anda$<>"y"anda$<>"[206]"anda$<>"n"then300
- 310 printa$:return
- 320 rem topline
- 330 ifnt=0thenpc=0:goto350
- 340 pc=int((nh/nt)*100)
- 350 print"[212]rials:"nt;
- 370 printtab(14)"[200]its:"nh;
- 380 printtab(24)"% [210]ight:";pc;" "
- 400 return
- 410 rem noise feedback
- 440 return
- 450 rem print "hand"
- 470 forx=1tonc
- 480 fordl=1to30*(11-nc):next
- 490 fory=1to3:v=10+y
- 500 h=fnh(x):gosub275
- 510 print" "
- 520 next
- 530 v=12:h=fnh(x):gosub275
- 540 ifx=10thenprint""0;:goto560
- 550 print""x;
- 560 next
- 573 h=1:v=18:gosub275
- 575 ifrs$="k"orrs$="[203]"then578
- 576 print"[202]oystick moves pointer left & right":print:print"[194]utton makes select
- 578 [153]"atnrrow keys move left & right":[153]:[153]"(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)wait key makes selection"
- 580 [142]
- 590 [141]1300
- 660 [142]
- 670 [143] feedback routine
- 680 [139]f1[167][141]410
- 690 [139]f2[167][141]320
- 700 [139]f3[178]0[167][142]
- 710 [129]x[178]1[164]6
- 720 [139]rn[178]n[167]v[178]5:h[178]16:[141]275:[153]"(NULL)ight!!!"
- 730 [129]dl[178]1[164]75:[130]dl
- 750 [153]"wait";:[139]x[173]2[178][181](x[173]2)[167][153]"";
- 760 [129]y[178]1[164]3
- 770 v[178]10[170]y:h[178][165]h(rn):[141]275
- 780 [153]" ";
- 790 [130]
- 800 v[178]12:h[178][165]h(rn):[141]275
- 810 [139]rn[178]10[167][153]" 0";:[137]830
- 820 [153]rn;
- 830 v[178]5:h[178]1:[141]275:[153]"wait "
- 835 [129]dl[178]1[164]75:[130]dl
- 840 [130]
- 860 [142]
- 870 [143] do end of run statistics
- 880 [141]320
- 890 pb[178]0
- 895 [139]nh[178]0[167]940
- 900 [129]x[178]0[164]nh[171]1
- 910 [141]1060
- 920 pb[178]pb[170]pr
- 930 [130]
- 940 pb[178]1[171]pb
- 950 [141]277
- 960 v[178]5:h[178]8:[141]275:[153]"(NULL)rials:";nt
- 970 v[178]7:h[178]7:[141]275:[153]"lenhoices:";nc
- 980 v[178]9:h[178]10:[141]275:[153]"left$its:";nh
- 990 [153]"...................."
- 1000 [153]"(NULL)robability="pb
- 1010 [153]
- 1020 [139]pb[177].05[137]1030
- 1022 [153]"(NULL)his is statistically significant."
- 1025 [153]:[153]"(NULL)ou would do that well or better by"
- 1026 [153]:[153]"chance alone only"[181](pb[172]100)"percent of the time."
- 1027 [137]1050
- 1030 [153]"(NULL)his is not statistically significant."
- 1035 [153]:[153]"(NULL)ou would do at least that well by"
- 1040 [153]:[153]"chance alone"[181](pb[172]100)"percent of the time."
- 1050 v[178]23:h[178]12:[141]275:[153]"atngain ((NULL) or (NULL))"
- 1053 [161]ag$:[139]ag$[178]""[167]1053
- 1055 [139]ag$[178]"(NULL)"[176]ag$[178]"y"[167][156]:[137]20
- 1056 [139]ag$[179][177]"(NULL)"[175]ag$[179][177]"n"[167]1053
- 1058 [137]63000:[143] hook to menu here
- 1060 [143] calc. probability
- 1070 p[178]1[173]nc:q[178]1[171]p
- 1080 n[178]nt:[141]1130:n1[178]nf
- 1090 n[178]x:[141]1130:n2[178]nf
- 1100 n[178]nt[171]x:[141]1130:n3[178]nf
- 1110 pr[178](n1[172]p[174]x[172]q[174](nt[171]x))[173](n2[172]n3)
- 1120 [142]
- 1130 [143] factorial
- 1140 nf[178]1
- 1150 [129]ct[178]1[164]n
- 1160 nf[178]nf[172]ct
- 1170 [130]
- 1180 [142]
- 1200 [153]"load"
- 1212 [153]:[153][163]10)"(NULL)=(NULL)eyboard":[153][163]10)"mid$=mid$oystick"
- 1220 [153]:[153]"(NULL)hich"
- 1230 [161]rs$:[139]rs$[178]""[167]1230
- 1240 [153]rs$
- 1280 [153]"load";:[142]
- 1300 [143] keyboard input routine
- 1310 v[178]15:n[178][181](nc[173]2)[170]1
- 1320 h[178]1:[141]275:[153]sp$;:h[178]1[170][165]h(n):[141]275:[153]"^";
- 1325 [139]rs$[179][177]"k"[175]rs$[179][177]"(NULL)"[167][141]1400:[137]1340
- 1330 [161]a$:[139]a$[178]""[167]1330
- 1340 [139]a$[178][199](13)[167][142]
- 1350 [139]a$[178]"cmd"[176]a$[178]""[167]n[178]n[171]1:[137]1380
- 1360 [139]a$[178]""[176]a$[178]"on"[167]n[178]n[170]1:[137]1380
- 1370 [137]1325
- 1380 [139]n[179]1[167]n[178]nc
- 1390 [139]n[177]nc[167]n[178]1
- 1395 [137]1320
- 1400 [143] joystick
- 1401 [129]a[178]1[164]20:[130]:[143] delay
- 1402 a$[178]""
- 1403 jv[178][194](56321):[143] get joystick value
- 1404 fr[178]jv[175]16:jv[178]15[171](jv[175]15)
- 1405 [139]fr[179][177]16[167]a$[178][199](13):[142]
- 1410 [139]jv[178]4[176]jv[178]5[176]jv[178]6[167]a$[178]"cmd":[142]
- 1420 [139]jv[178]8[176]jv[178]9[176]jv[178]10[167]a$[178]"":[142]
- 1430 [142]
- 1500 [153]"load"[163]8)"(NULL)arapsychology (NULL)ester"
- 1510 [153]:[153]" (NULL)his program was written by str$avid"
- 1520 [153]:[153]"str$urkee and was sent to (NULL)oftdisk by"
- 1530 [153]:[153]"(NULL).atn. peekriggs. right$t was translated to the"
- 1535 [153]:[153]"lenommodore 64 by str$aniel (NULL)obias. right$t first"
- 1540 [153]"appeared on page 223 of the mid$une 1983"
- 1545 [153]:[153]"issue of (NULL)oftalk magazine."
- 1550 [153]:[153]" (NULL)he object of the program is to try"
- 1560 [153]:[153]"to outguess the len-64 (NULL)andom (NULL)umber"
- 1570 [153]:[153]"chr$enerator. right$f you guess right often"
- 1580 [153]:[153]"enough then maybe you have val(NULL)(NULL)."
- 1599 v[178]24:h[178]13:[141]275:[153]"left$it space barwait";
- 1600 [161]r$:[139]r$[178]""[167]1600
- 1610 [153]r$:[142]
- 63000 [143] connect back to l.s.
- 63002 [153]"loadload"[199](34)"payload"[199](34)",8":[153]"run"
- 63004 [151]198,0:[151]631,13:[151]632,13:[151]198,2:[128]